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The JM Resources Smart Home


Looking to install smart automation features in your home?

Look no further than JM Resources, one of the market leaders in smart homes and home automation. If you are nervous about getting everything done right and at a realistic price, don’t hesitate to contact your local JM agent.

Don’t Let Crime Ruin the New Homeowner Experience


You’ve just been handed the keys to your new home and you are completely wrapped up in the excitement of the moment. It is understandable. Becoming a homeowner is a monumental event. In the midst of the excitement, however, it is important to not forget about one of the most important things about home ownership—home security.

What Does a Burglar Want Anyway?


Doesn’t he have enough stuff? Probably, but he wants things he can sell for cash – that is, unless you have cash. If so, he’ll take that too. There are plenty of official government statistics that show us exactly what burglars want, and common sense backs it up. Here are the items that burglars want the most:

Don’t Forget Garage Door Security


When it comes to home security, the garage door is one of the elements considered least by most residents who think a garage door opening system or simple lock is enough to keep out intruders. This oversight can cause them to fall prey to thieves. In many cases in fact, the garage is the weakest point of entry.

A significant number of burglars gain entry to a home through an attached garage with an entrance to into the house. Even a detached garage or one without an entrance into the home is vulnerable to a break-in because the garage usually holds big-ticket items like your car, tools, or other equipment that is quickly and easily sold.

Does Your Home Security System Need a Spring Makeover?


While you are assessing your home for a fresh coat of paint or even a possible remodel this spring, how much thought have you put into your home’s security system? Over the past five years, the home security industry has seen some remarkable technological advances. From home management systems to energy savings and even video surveillance, is your existing system up-to-date?

Home Security Makes You a Lot Like James Bond


Seriously, it’s hard to not want to be like 007. There is just something super cool about the character that he has remained popular for over 50 years. So, what is it about him that makes him so universally popular? Maybe it is that he is always impeccably dressed, or that he remains completely calm and never even flinches in the face of danger. For us, it is his unreserved use of high-tech devices even before it was popular to do so that has the cool factor totally dialed in. So, we don’t have “Q Branch” supplying us with jetpacks and cars equipped with missiles, but Bond has nothing on us when it comes to truly incredible smart security and automation technologies.

Why Professionally Installed Motion Sensors Are Important


Your security system motion detectors are the key to making sure that any intruders who successfully enter are stopped in their tracks by the sounding alarm. Although there are some given places for these motion detectors, such as your entryways, hallways stairways, and any vulnerable windows, there are also places where motion sensors should not be. It is a good idea to have motion detection in as many areas of the home as possible, but homeowners must take caution to place the sensors in areas that will not trigger a false alarm.

Preparing for the ATT&T 2G Sunset


JM Resources Wants to Help Wireless Alarm Customers Get Ready for AT&T’s 2G Sunset

There has been a lot of talk since 2012 of AT&T closing down their 2G network in a process called 2G Sunset. In this process AT&T will close down the 2G towers in a series of waves concluding January 1, 2017 with its complete phase out.

If you are like most people, you probably dismissed the information thinking that 2017 is a long way off. But there are some important reasons why you should take notice now to ensure that you do not have any interruption in your alarm service.

Summer Safety for Children


JM Resources places a high priority on the security PA parents want for their children. We offer affordable ways to keep watch over the younger crowd so parents can breathe easier. Here are a few summer safety tips for parents and their children:

The Pros and Cons of Home Security Yard Signs


After installing a home security system, you are provided with window decals and a yard sign by JM Resources. In theory, those signs are meant to deter potential burglars, letting them know that you have a security system installed. However, some homeowners may be concerned about advertising those signs; so let’s consider the pros and cons.


How to save 30 minutes a day with Home Automation


Everyone knows the age old adage “time is money,” but translating that into life may seem difficult for a lot of people. With only so many hours in the day, how is it possible for somebody to be that much more productive than they already are? The answer is science. A recent study has come out that shows the application of smart home technology can save a solid half an hour a day. That’s over a hundred hours in the course of a year that can be spent on personal projects, education, or even just extra leisure time.
Let’s take a closer look and see how you can go about saving your time by using smart home technology.

Security Systems for Today’s Home Builders


It’s not often that a home security provider is chosen to install systems in 20 new home communities owned by a single builder, but JM Resources was chosen by Toll Brothers to do just that. Toll Brothers is one of many home builders that is implementing Control4 security systems into its new home communities, and we are honored that they have chosen us to install these world class security systems into their high quality homes.

Why Wireless Alarm Systems Are Better Than Wired


Your home security system should make you and your family feel safer and more comfortable, whether at home or on vacation. A wireless home security system can enhance your home’s security and provide convenient security features that other systems do not. Here are some of the reasons that a wireless home security system is the best system for your needs.

Are DIY Alarm Systems as Good as Professional Systems?


There are DIY equivalents to almost everything today, and in most cases DIY is a great alternative. When we are talking about home security systems however, the stakes are high. Home security is a very serious matter and a lot rests on the functionality of the home security system. While many tout the ease of use and installation of DIY systems, most people do not realize that these systems lack the very things that make them most valuable to your safety.


Home Fire Safety Tips For The Holidays


The holidays are a time to enjoy family and take a relaxing break from work. They’re also a time to be vigilant about the increased chance of a household fire. Read through these fire safety tips and review them with your family so that everyone stays safe during the holiday season.

Home Security Back to School Safety Checklist


For parents and kids alike, it is one of the most anticipated times of the year. Back to school brings so much excitement for everyone that it is easy to forget about making sure safety stays a top priority. Do not let home or personal security take a back seat during this busy season, and review our back to school safety checklist.

Have a Home Security and Home Automation System Installed

If you have not already, consider having a home security and home automation system installed. Both of these can be valuable tools in keeping your family safe and managing any home alone time the kids may have. Use video surveillance to check in, or access control features to ensure their safe arrival for example.

Better Parenting with Home Security: FOMO


If you are a parent, you know FOMO. The Fear of Missing Out is a real problem for every parent because if it were possible, we’d love to soak up every waking moment with our children. Well, almost every waking moment. As much time as we spend with our children, it is still so difficult to know that we miss some of those small moments that make up daily life.
We have streamlined and simplified everything else in life, surely there must be a better way to manage or eliminate FOMO we think to ourselves. And we are right. There really is a tool to help you stay connected and banish FOMO once for all—your home security system.

Home Security for the Growing Family: Modern Approaches


While many new challenges arise with parenting, most people don’t imagine that they will want to increase their home security when they start a family. It makes sense, though. It’s one thing to not have the best protection for yourself, but most parents worry about the safety of their child and decide to upgrade the security on their homes. Following that line of thought, here are a few ways that you can keep your house safe as you start your family.

4 Home Security and Mobile Control Benefits Entrepreneurs


For many entrepreneurs, the Internet of Things (IoT), or when individual devices are assigned an IP address so it can be accessed remotely, is something that remains largely, and surprisingly, in the workplace. Even for the driven, and super focused the IoT has a lot to offer through home security and mobile control.

Ensure the Safety of Your Kids After School With Smart Home Security


Take the worry out of keeping your kids safe when they get home from school this fall. One of the best things you can buy for your house is a smart home security system. The right security system will give you peace of mind in knowing that both your home and kids are safe and secure.

Stop Hiding Spare Keys And Worrying About Kids Losing Their Key

Part of securing your home is doing away with spare keys that you’ve hidden outside. After all, burglars can figure out which rock is the fake one or know to check under a doormat or flower pot for the key.  Let’s face it; kids are continually losing their key or leaving it in places where the wrong opportunist may find it. Make sure that when you purchase a home security system that it includes a video doorbell and smart locks.

The video doorbell and smart locks allow you to unlock the door with your smartphone from wherever you are should one of the kids lose their key. So, you can rest assured that they got home safely. 

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