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What Makes JM Resources Stand Out Among Other Home Automation Companies


Learn how residents of the tri-state area are making their homes more luxurious with JM Resources.

Fads come and go, but home automation companies are so much more than that. Companies like JM Resources have been changing the lives of homeowners in the Philadelphia, PA area (and the tri-state areas of New Jersey and Delaware) with high-end smart home technology. From increasing security and pre-wiring homes for custom smart features, there are plenty of reasons why home automation companies are here to stay.

Read on to learn more about why it’s worth including a home automation company in your new-build process and planning.


What Makes Smart Security Cameras So Incredibly Popular?


In case you have not noticed, home automation has gone from an interesting idea to a necessity in a very short time, and people are talking about it. In fact, suddenly it is all the rage among millennial men who are posting about it on Facebook 8 times more than just a year ago. Experts believe that by the year 2022, the average American will have over 500 smart devices in their home. And it is not just about convenience. 

So, why are smart security cameras so incredibly popular? Here are just a few of the practical applications that make them a home automation chart topper.

You Can Have Your Eye on What Matters

When we are away, we all think about our family, our pets, and valuables—a lot. Productivity experts agree that having a way to quickly affirm the safety of your family and home increases work productivity by allowing you to focus. Smart cameras remove the worry because you never have to wonder what is going on at home. Not only can you check in and see them in real time, smart cameras provide instant alerts with smart clip capture.

Customized Alerts Notify You of Activity Indicators

Smart cameras are connected to your security system and together provide greater insight into activity. You can customize what information generates a trigger and notification so that you know, for example, if a door opens, a package arrives, or someone parks in the driveway.

Push Notification Alerts Increase Safety

Push notification is one of the least understood and least known advantages of smart security cameras. Push notifications are like text messages and pop up on your phone to warn you of suspicious activity before an event occurs. This allows you to respond quickly by turning on sirens, calling police, and getting to safety. One of the most important things about push notifications is that, though used through a phone app, the app does not have to be open for you to receive notifications.

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Protecting Your Future: Home Automation Helps for New Moms


Bringing home baby is a very happy and special time, but it also a serious time. Life just got real. Suddenly you are the caretaker for a little human! A fully dependent, amazing, crying, little human! Now our minds are suddenly filled with worries and concerns we never knew we had, and then you mix in sleep deprivation and adjusting everything else in your life— the whole thing can be overwhelming.
No matter how tired or swamped you become, you can gain the support and help you need by using the tools of home automation. Here are some great tips to get you started.

Seriously, What’s the Big Deal with Home Automation?


If you are someone that sort of doubts home automation could add much to their life, we understand. We’ve all seen fads come in with such high zest only to fall flat soon after. But that is not smart home technology. Home automation has proven to be an indispensable tool for better resource conservation, increased savings, and enhanced security and productivity.

Smart Home Essentials: Top Benefits of Smart Doorbells


It is hard to miss that pretty much everything in our lives is smartening up. We have smart thermostats, smart locks, smart security, and now doorbells are getting an IQ boost. If you haven’t already, it is time to put them to the test. We think you’ll be very impressed after reading some of the top benefits smart doorbells.

Smart Thermostat Secrets for the Smart Home Initiated


If you have already implemented smart home technologies, you probably based your decision on one of the top two reasons people opt in to smart home technologies: Improved security or increased energy savings. At the core of those energy savings is the smart thermostat, which alone can be responsible for significant annual savings and more when coupled with other smart home technologies, such as smart lighting and enabled appliances.

If you are new to smart technologies, you likely have questions about the smart thermostat and how the technology can help you reduce energy consumption and increase your savings related to cooling and heating. Here is a brief explanation to get you started on your smart home journey.

What Are Home Buyers Seeking? Home Automation


Before making a decision to put in an offer a home, shoppers consider hundreds of factors. Some of those factors homeowners can’t change– such as location, size of lot, and school districts. Other features, such as countertop materials and open floorplans can be modified to fit the market. But there is still something buyers want that seems a bit intrinsic– a personalized and home that separates them from the rest of the world. So what are home buyers really seeking? Home Automation.

4 Home Security and Mobile Control Benefits Entrepreneurs


For many entrepreneurs, the Internet of Things (IoT), or when individual devices are assigned an IP address so it can be accessed remotely, is something that remains largely, and surprisingly, in the workplace. Even for the driven, and super focused the IoT has a lot to offer through home security and mobile control.

How Home Automation Revolutionizes Ambient Assisted Living


If you have an aging loved one, you probably have thought a lot about all of the options that can help them stay in their home longer and more safely, such as home health aides or having a family member move in to help manage daily tasks. In some cases, though, these options are just not available or affordable. With options limited, some who might otherwise be able to live at home longer go to assisted living much earlier than anticipated. Others, without help or resources might stay home alone doing tasks that are increasingly difficult as well as increasingly dangerous for them to accomplish.

Home Automation Can Help Keep all the Fun in Halloween


When you think of Halloween, your first thought is probably candy; but our first thought should be home automation. Actually, home automation is right up there with king size Snickers.

How Home Automation Can Make You Love Mornings


Mornings are never easy but they are important; and how you start can make or break the entire day. Minor problems and annoyances can add up quickly and sabotage your schedule and your productivity. That is why it’s so important to make those early am hours work for you rather than against you. Fortunately, home automation technologies make that more possible than ever.

Even if you absolutely hate rolling out of bed any time before noon, home automation can make you want to welcome every single day with zeal. Here are some of the great ways home automation can make your mornings awesome.

Home Automation Makes the Whole Home the Ultimate Man Cave


What guy doesn’t love the idea of a man cave? It is a space totally dedicated to meeting needs and providing creature comforts. A man cave is an escape from the craziness of the world and a place to let the stress of the day fall away. And that is exactly why guys should opt in to home automation—it has the power to make the whole home, rather than just a corner of the garage, a high-tech haven of awesomeness.

Don’t believe us? Here are just a few of the many ways home automation can transform your home and make it the ultimate man cave.

Does Home Automation Matter in Fire Prevention?


Does home security and home automation matter in fire prevention and protection? Absolutely.

We know that home automation, and home and fire security technologies are convenient and make our lives safer. Sometimes it helps to consider facets of how and why that is so. In honor of National Fire Prevention Month, today we are going to delve in to some of the intricacies of fire and how home automation can play a valuable role in limiting its damaging effects.

5 Common Sense Reasons We Need Home Automation


Many people investigating home automation are at the point of decision. They have not yet opted in, but have a feeling there is something to this whole IoT. Actually, they know, like we do, that it is pretty hard to ignore that smart technology has become an integral part of our lives.The industry is exploding with options and excitement. In the last year alone, around 30 million households adopted some element of smart home technology. But what is it and why do we need home automation?

Home Automation For The Busy Parent


Any busy parent can benefit from smart home technology. A connected home is not only easier to manage but provides parents with complete control at their fingertips. It’s there to keep tabs on the home’s safety while also providing peace of mind and making the most menial tasks a cinch. JM Resources can provide families with cutting edge automation and security technology that brings a home to the modern age. The systems are easy to use, reliable, and life changing.

Ensure the Safety of Your Kids After School With Smart Home Security


Take the worry out of keeping your kids safe when they get home from school this fall. One of the best things you can buy for your house is a smart home security system. The right security system will give you peace of mind in knowing that both your home and kids are safe and secure.

Stop Hiding Spare Keys And Worrying About Kids Losing Their Key

Part of securing your home is doing away with spare keys that you’ve hidden outside. After all, burglars can figure out which rock is the fake one or know to check under a doormat or flower pot for the key.  Let’s face it; kids are continually losing their key or leaving it in places where the wrong opportunist may find it. Make sure that when you purchase a home security system that it includes a video doorbell and smart locks.

The video doorbell and smart locks allow you to unlock the door with your smartphone from wherever you are should one of the kids lose their key. So, you can rest assured that they got home safely. 

Back To School Security Necessities =to Keep Your Family Safe This Fall


Do you want to know the best back to school purchase you can make this year? It provides much more value and return on investment then a new laptop or jeans for the kids. The answer is smart home security. It saves you hours of wasted time and streamlines household activities.

Unique User Codes Help You Get Rid of Spare Keys

A smart home security system that includes smart locks and a video doorbell helps you manage how the family comes and goes. Each person gets a unique user code to enter and exit the house so you can stop worrying about lost keys and people locked out.

So, what if someone forgets their access code? Just tell them to ring the video doorbell and you can unlock the door remotely. You never have to worry about the wrong person finding a spare key and accessing your house.

5 Ways Smart Locks Have Revolutionized Access


You might wonder why smart locks are so much more popular than traditional locks. Traditional pin and tumbler mechanism locks have been around for centuries and have been a staple of home security. The purpose is, of course, to restrict access for better security and to ensure one’s privacy. The drawback of these locks is that if you are someone intending to commit a crime, gaining entry isn’t all that difficult. In addition to the problem of forgetting to lock the doors in the first place, burglars have many ways to bypass traditional locks, including the technology to easily replicate keys even without a physical key as a copy and now ways to get in are rampant. That is why smart locks are dominating the home technology market.

Honeywell Updated the Total Connect iOS App, and it’s Amazing!


Most of the time, an app is just an app and a change hardly moves us. But there are times when an app truly does simplify and improve your life, and that is worth talking about. That’s why we are so excited about the new Total Connect app—it truly gives the user much more control of Total Connect, which of course gives the user more control of their home and life.

What a Video Doorbell Can Do


The video doorbell may be the most transformative home security device in recent memory. Having a connected device at the door that is a functional doorbell, a home security camera, and a two-way communication device all in one is powerful.

Here are some of the most valuable things a video doorbell can help you accomplish.

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