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It’s Never Too Soon To Get Prepared For Disaster

  1. a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.
      1183 Hits

    Summer Relaxation and Home Security


    When we finally get a few moments to relax in the summer, it is easy to let our security relax as well. We tend to spend more time outside, socializing with friends and neighbors, running short errands, having children coming and going, and visitors staying in the home.  We are more likely to stray over to a friend’s house without closing the garage doors or leave windows open to catch a summer breeze. When a stranger is in the neighborhood, we are likely just to assume it is an innocent visitor, not someone with ill intentions. All of these things put our safety in jeopardy.

    To keep your summer carefree, remember these summer safety precautions.

      1236 Hits

    Practical Home Security Tips For The Holidays


    Enjoying the season of giving is what the winter holidays are all about. However, because thieves know that homes during the holidays are filled with gifts, it should also be a time of vigilance. Take these precautions to ensure that your home is protected from a holiday break-in this winter.

      1116 Hits

    Home Fire Safety Tips For The Holidays


    The holidays are a time to enjoy family and take a relaxing break from work. They’re also a time to be vigilant about the increased chance of a household fire. Read through these fire safety tips and review them with your family so that everyone stays safe during the holiday season.

      1362 Hits

    25 Ways to Keep Kids Safe on the Internet


    The internet holds a wealth of opportunity and knowledge and it has become an indispensable tool for students today. It is also a very dangerous place, filled with serious risks and used as a tool by online predators, cyber bullies, and internet scammers. How can parents reduce the risks while maximizing the benefits? Here are 25 ways.

      1377 Hits

    Home Automation Can Help Keep all the Fun in Halloween


    When you think of Halloween, your first thought is probably candy; but our first thought should be home automation. Actually, home automation is right up there with king size Snickers.

      1015 Hits

    Improve Your Security in 7 Easy Steps


    Crime is an unfortunate part of society, and no matter where we live, we are all vulnerable. That does not, however, mean that residents are defenseless in protecting their family, homes, or property. Crime statistics show that small preventative measures can thwart most crimes.

      1403 Hits

    15 Ways PA Residents Can Keep Safe this Summer


    Whether you are headed out to Cook Forest for a camping adventure or planning on enjoying some blissful time relaxing at home this season, it is important to keep safety at the top of the priority list this season. The incidence of both of burglaries and outdoor related injuries rise in the summer months with many residents leaving for vacations and spending more time enjoying outdoor activities at home.

      1202 Hits

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