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3 tips to prevent kitchen fires: A quick reference guide


Every year, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) devotes the third week in October to National Fire Prevention Week. The theme for this year is “Prevent Kitchen Fires,” with fire departments throughout the country holding local community events designed to educate the public on preventing fires in that busy area of the house. Here are some valuable tips they will be sharing:

It’s Never Too Soon To Get Prepared For Disaster

  1. a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.

    Summer Relaxation and Home Security


    When we finally get a few moments to relax in the summer, it is easy to let our security relax as well. We tend to spend more time outside, socializing with friends and neighbors, running short errands, having children coming and going, and visitors staying in the home.  We are more likely to stray over to a friend’s house without closing the garage doors or leave windows open to catch a summer breeze. When a stranger is in the neighborhood, we are likely just to assume it is an innocent visitor, not someone with ill intentions. All of these things put our safety in jeopardy.

    To keep your summer carefree, remember these summer safety precautions.

    Practical Home Security Tips For The Holidays


    Enjoying the season of giving is what the winter holidays are all about. However, because thieves know that homes during the holidays are filled with gifts, it should also be a time of vigilance. Take these precautions to ensure that your home is protected from a holiday break-in this winter.

    Security Systems for Today’s Home Builders


    It’s not often that a home security provider is chosen to install systems in 20 new home communities owned by a single builder, but JM Resources was chosen by Toll Brothers to do just that. Toll Brothers is one of many home builders that is implementing Control4 security systems into its new home communities, and we are honored that they have chosen us to install these world class security systems into their high quality homes.

    How To Avoid Grill Fires While Barbecuing This Summer


    Summer will soon be in full swing, and barbecue season is upon us! June and July are the most popular months to grill out in PA, and as such, they are also the most common months for grill fires. The local fire and security company receives more calls about grill fires during the summer than any other time of the year. Protect yourself and your family by following these grilling safety tips.


    25 Ways to Keep Kids Safe on the Internet


    The internet holds a wealth of opportunity and knowledge and it has become an indispensable tool for students today. It is also a very dangerous place, filled with serious risks and used as a tool by online predators, cyber bullies, and internet scammers. How can parents reduce the risks while maximizing the benefits? Here are 25 ways.


    Top Ways to Improve Personal Safety


    Once we leave the safety and security of our home, it becomes important to think about personal safety. Like in home security, your safety does not have to be left to chance. While you cannot eliminate the possibility of crime, the more deterrents you put in place, the less likely you are to become a victim.

    Crime is always unexpected so it is important to make personal safety a matter of habit, rather than circumstantial expectation. It can happen any time, and anywhere.

    Best Steps in Preventing Commercial Fires


    If you have ever wondered if a commercial fire and smoke alarm system was worth having installed, the stark statistics surrounding workplace fires is enough to cause anyone pause for thought. Facts show that a commercial smoke detection system can be the most significant factor in preventing loss of life and property.

    Home Security Tips for National Safety


    While it is usually not on our radar until after an unfortunate event, improving safety in the workplace and the home is one of the most urgent issues facing us today. Accidental injury is one of the main causes of ER visits each year, and one of the leading causes of death.

    Exciting Updates for Honeywell Total Connect 2.0


    Honeywell Total Connect 2.0 is an award winning platform that allows users to connect, view, and manage their security, surveillance, and home automation from their smartphones, tablets and other internet connected devices, remotely—anytime, and from anywhere they are connected.

    The platform quickly revolutionized the industry and was adopted widely in the residential, commercial, business and government sectors because it simplified processes, and improved safety and energy efficiency. Total Connect offered unparalleled access and control by allowing the user to view video surveillance in real time, get immediate alerts; manage automation enabled appliances, electronics, and lock or unlock doors. The platform also supports the tracking of vehicles and assets using GPS technologies, all remotely from supported devices.

    204 Mass Shootings in 204 Days, Reports Washington Post


    You may have read the recent astonishing Washington Post article reporting that there had been 204 mass shootings 204 days into 2015. The report cites information gleaned from Mass Shooting Tracker, a crowd sourced which tracks the number and location of all gun-related events where 4 or more people are killed or injured.

    Top Halloween Safety Tip Sheet│PA Home Security


    Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to the safety of our children. Halloween is one of the few nights when most of the kids in your neighborhood are all out at once. For children, Halloween is one of the most anticipated nights of the year. It is also one of the most dangerous.

    If you are going to celebrate Halloween, consider these facts and tips to stay safe.

    Home Safety Is Never Out-Of-Date


    This can be an exceptionally busy time of year, filled with family gatherings and a myriad of thoughts and activities that preoccupy our minds. With all that needs to be done, basic safety concerns are easily overlooked:

    3 Reasons To Upgrade To Total Connect


    “Why do I need to check in on my alarm and cameras? I trust them to work.”

    Improve Your Security in 7 Easy Steps


    Crime is an unfortunate part of society, and no matter where we live, we are all vulnerable. That does not, however, mean that residents are defenseless in protecting their family, homes, or property. Crime statistics show that small preventative measures can thwart most crimes.

    Savvy Criminals Can Now Use 3D Printers to Make Bump Keys


    Bump keys are lock picking tools that, when inserted into a lock and tapped just right can bump the pins like a pool cue and open the lock. In the hands of a skilled user, they are much like a skeleton key making some locks so common that it is almost like not having a lock at all.

    How to Cope After a Burglary


    After a burglary, people do what they know to do, like call the police and the insurance company, and clean up the mess. But then what? There is a lot more to a burglary than the practicalities.

    Burglaries are a huge violation and effect people in ways that most do not understand, unless it has happened to them personally. Sure, you can clean the mess and replace a TV but there is a lot more to recovery than replacing lost items.

    Workplace Fire Prevention Tips Every PA Business Owner Should Know


    Each year there are an estimated 800,000 serious workplace fires in the United States. These fires cause an average of 200 deaths and 5,000 injuries. In addition to the very serious cost to human life, fires also devastate a business. According to studies from the United States Small Business Administration, 90% of businesses fail within two years after experiencing a disaster such as fire, costing a significant loss of jobs.

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