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Improve Your Operations with a Business Security System


Your Philadelphia-Area Company Has Never Before Been This Safe or Secure  

Keeping a business running is always at the forefront of any manager or owner’s mind. If you run a restaurant or retail establishment, staff scheduling and your products are the top priorities. For office managers, reliable technologies ensure video presentations and conference calls stay connected, emails are sent, and budget spreadsheets are maintained.

An intelligent solution exists that can solve a need for every company manager, no matter the industry, and that’s a business security systemThis solution offers a wide range of technologies that work together for your company. Secure network connections protect valuable staff and customer data; a security system provides peace of mind, and lighting and climate control can reduce your bottom line.  

To learn what else this commercial solution for your Philadelphia, PA company can do, keep reading below! 

Preparing for the ATT&T 2G Sunset


JM Resources Wants to Help Wireless Alarm Customers Get Ready for AT&T’s 2G Sunset

There has been a lot of talk since 2012 of AT&T closing down their 2G network in a process called 2G Sunset. In this process AT&T will close down the 2G towers in a series of waves concluding January 1, 2017 with its complete phase out.

If you are like most people, you probably dismissed the information thinking that 2017 is a long way off. But there are some important reasons why you should take notice now to ensure that you do not have any interruption in your alarm service.

Should Small Business Security Systems Be Monitored?


As you investigate security system options for your growing business, one of the questions that is likely to surface is whether or not your system should be monitored. On the surface, unmonitored systems are convenient and cost effective, something that is attractive to any business owner. But there are other considerations and the nominal cost of monitoring can end up saving you a bundle, and could even be the element that saves your business.

5 Smart Ways to Use Automation in the Workplace


It is hard to believe, but it was not that long ago that home automation was just a dream and something you would see conceptually in “the home of tomorrow”. Now you can’t go long or far without hearing about or having your life somehow impacted by home automation. It is so much a part of our lives that many people can’t even remember life without it!
Good things are never contained, and the smart home revolution has made it into the workplace, and our lives and our businesses are better for it. Here are some of the ways we love to use home automation to make business even better.

Best Steps in Preventing Commercial Fires


If you have ever wondered if a commercial fire and smoke alarm system was worth having installed, the stark statistics surrounding workplace fires is enough to cause anyone pause for thought. Facts show that a commercial smoke detection system can be the most significant factor in preventing loss of life and property.

How to Reduce Retail Loss with Proven Strategies


Inventory shrinkage cuts far deeper into the bottom line than most retailers and business owners realize. In fact, a recent National Retail Security Study showed inventory shrinkage represents 1.47% of retail revenue.

Home Security Tips for National Safety


While it is usually not on our radar until after an unfortunate event, improving safety in the workplace and the home is one of the most urgent issues facing us today. Accidental injury is one of the main causes of ER visits each year, and one of the leading causes of death.

How Churches Get Security All Wrong


Churches typically think about strife existing outside the church walls and concentrate on helping solve problems that exist in the community and in the world. This is because violence happened somewhere else.

Unfortunately, things have changed dramatically over the last few years.   A 2013 USA Today article about church security recently noted that “the number of deadly episodes at sanctuaries has soared over the last decade, and mass shootings at schools, malls, and movie theaters have left Americans feeling like it could happen anywhere.”

Violence perpetrated against the church is on the rise and while most churches want to improve church security, they are doing it all wrong.

204 Mass Shootings in 204 Days, Reports Washington Post


You may have read the recent astonishing Washington Post article reporting that there had been 204 mass shootings 204 days into 2015. The report cites information gleaned from Mass Shooting Tracker, a crowd sourced which tracks the number and location of all gun-related events where 4 or more people are killed or injured.

Tips for Complying with Privacy Laws While Using Video Surveillance


The affordability of advanced technologies has made video surveillance systems so commonplace that we hardly take notice of them. Nearly everyone recognizes and appreciates the benefits of their use, such as increased safety; and a reduction in theft, vandalism, and violence.

Do Workplace Surveillance Systems Provide More than Safety? Research Says, Yes.


Unquestionably, one of the most valuable tools in crime prevention in the workplace is a quality video surveillance system. Video systems also increase customer and employee safety and can be very helpful in uncovering the course of disputed events. While those reasons alone are benefits no business owner should overlook, research shows that there is an additional advantage of video surveillance systems in the area of employee performance.

Workplace Fire Prevention Tips Every PA Business Owner Should Know


Each year there are an estimated 800,000 serious workplace fires in the United States. These fires cause an average of 200 deaths and 5,000 injuries. In addition to the very serious cost to human life, fires also devastate a business. According to studies from the United States Small Business Administration, 90% of businesses fail within two years after experiencing a disaster such as fire, costing a significant loss of jobs.

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