Whether you are headed out to Cook Forest for a camping adventure or planning on enjoying some blissful time relaxing at home this season, it is important to keep safety at the top of the priority list this season. The incidence of both of burglaries and outdoor related injuries rise in the summer months with many residents leaving for vacations and spending more time enjoying outdoor activities at home.
You’ve just been handed the keys to your new home and you are completely wrapped up in the excitement of the moment. It is understandable. Becoming a homeowner is a monumental event. In the midst of the excitement, however, it is important to not forget about one of the most important things about home ownership—home security.
When it comes to home security, the garage door is one of the elements considered least by most residents who think a garage door opening system or simple lock is enough to keep out intruders. This oversight can cause them to fall prey to thieves. In many cases in fact, the garage is the weakest point of entry.
A significant number of burglars gain entry to a home through an attached garage with an entrance to into the house. Even a detached garage or one without an entrance into the home is vulnerable to a break-in because the garage usually holds big-ticket items like your car, tools, or other equipment that is quickly and easily sold.
You’ve heard it said that too much “screen time” is a bad thing for some people – mostly for kids. But if you’re a responsible adult, you can use your smartphone as a powerful tool to make your life both simpler and safer. We call this system home control, because it can be accessed easily with your smartphone to give you total home control – not just over your security, but other aspects of the household as well. Here are some examples.