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What Makes Smart Security Cameras So Incredibly Popular?


In case you have not noticed, home automation has gone from an interesting idea to a necessity in a very short time, and people are talking about it. In fact, suddenly it is all the rage among millennial men who are posting about it on Facebook 8 times more than just a year ago. Experts believe that by the year 2022, the average American will have over 500 smart devices in their home. And it is not just about convenience. 

So, why are smart security cameras so incredibly popular? Here are just a few of the practical applications that make them a home automation chart topper.

You Can Have Your Eye on What Matters

When we are away, we all think about our family, our pets, and valuables—a lot. Productivity experts agree that having a way to quickly affirm the safety of your family and home increases work productivity by allowing you to focus. Smart cameras remove the worry because you never have to wonder what is going on at home. Not only can you check in and see them in real time, smart cameras provide instant alerts with smart clip capture.

Customized Alerts Notify You of Activity Indicators

Smart cameras are connected to your security system and together provide greater insight into activity. You can customize what information generates a trigger and notification so that you know, for example, if a door opens, a package arrives, or someone parks in the driveway.

Push Notification Alerts Increase Safety

Push notification is one of the least understood and least known advantages of smart security cameras. Push notifications are like text messages and pop up on your phone to warn you of suspicious activity before an event occurs. This allows you to respond quickly by turning on sirens, calling police, and getting to safety. One of the most important things about push notifications is that, though used through a phone app, the app does not have to be open for you to receive notifications.

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Seriously, What’s the Big Deal with Home Automation?


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