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Love Your Home More with Home Control


That heart-shaped holiday we celebrate in February isn’t just for the folks we love the most; it can also be for the things we need and value, like our homes. One of the best ways to love your home more right now is to make the shift to home control security. Here are some reasons that home control just might be the big hug your home needs right now.

How Pets and Smart Home Security Coexist


Smart home security should stand guard over everyone in the family, and that includes your beloved pets. If you have heard that pets can’t coexist with your home security system, don’t believe the hype. Here are some ways they can work hand-in-hand – and, even some ways your pets can benefit from the partnership.  


Why Glass Break Detection?


If your home security system lacks glass break detection, then it might be time to add this technology to your system. Your system already contains motion detection, of course, and that may be enough to stop an intruder from following through with his plans. But here’s another consideration: If the intruder thinks that breaking the glass on your door or window is his best way to get into the house, then the break detection may be the only thing that sends him running when the glass shatters.


Do Counterfeit Home Security Cameras Work?


Everyone “knows a guy who knows a guy” with some tall tales in his background. For instance, maybe you know the guy who claims he was never burglarized because he mounted fake security cameras around his house. These counterfeit cameras, he argues, have protected his family for years – and he never had to spend a dime on real security cameras or a monitoring service. He may believe this is the reason he’s stayed burglary-free, but does he have a way to prove it? The truth is, experienced burglars can spot a fake camera right away.

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