Seriously, it’s hard to not want to be like 007. There is just something super cool about the character that he has remained popular for over 50 years. So, what is it about him that makes him so universally popular? Maybe it is that he is always impeccably dressed, or that he remains completely calm and never even flinches in the face of danger. For us, it is his unreserved use of high-tech devices even before it was popular to do so that has the cool factor totally dialed in. So, we don’t have “Q Branch” supplying us with jetpacks and cars equipped with missiles, but Bond has nothing on us when it comes to truly incredible smart security and automation technologies.
Bringing home baby is a very happy and special time, but it also a serious time. Life just got real. Suddenly you are the caretaker for a little human! A fully dependent, amazing, crying, little human! Now our minds are suddenly filled with worries and concerns we never knew we had, and then you mix in sleep deprivation and adjusting everything else in your life— the whole thing can be overwhelming.
No matter how tired or swamped you become, you can gain the support and help you need by using the tools of home automation. Here are some great tips to get you started.
It is hard to believe, but it was not that long ago that home automation was just a dream and something you would see conceptually in “the home of tomorrow”. Now you can’t go long or far without hearing about or having your life somehow impacted by home automation. It is so much a part of our lives that many people can’t even remember life without it!
Good things are never contained, and the smart home revolution has made it into the workplace, and our lives and our businesses are better for it. Here are some of the ways we love to use home automation to make business even better.
If you are a parent, you know FOMO. The Fear of Missing Out is a real problem for every parent because if it were possible, we’d love to soak up every waking moment with our children. Well, almost every waking moment. As much time as we spend with our children, it is still so difficult to know that we miss some of those small moments that make up daily life.
We have streamlined and simplified everything else in life, surely there must be a better way to manage or eliminate FOMO we think to ourselves. And we are right. There really is a tool to help you stay connected and banish FOMO once for all—your home security system.